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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The paper has not been previously published or submitted to another journal for its evaluation (otherwise, some explanation is given in Comments to Editor).

  • The author is submitting a PDF file. In case of submission of source (TeX or DOC) files, the author is submitting a RAR or ZIP file including the source files and the WORD and PDF file of the paper.
  • The citations that appear in the text are collected in the References section, following the APA standard.
  • Authors must include personal ORCID, JEL classification, MSC2020 codes and source of funding (if any).
  • Articles must follow the Guidelines set for the authors, regarding the maximum number of words, typeface, separation between paragraphs ...

Author Guidelines

Type of articles that the Journal publishes. It can be sent for evaluation any unpublished paper (or any paper which is not being evaluated by another journal) which deals with mathematical, statistical or econometric techniques and their possible applications in the world of business and economy. 

Registration of authors. Before submitting an article, at least one of its authors must be registered on our website. Once the author is registered, access to exclusive content will be provided. In particular, full paper drafts could be sent, always following the indications given throughout the paper submission process. The registered authors will also be able to check the current status of their papers and get a certifying document if needed.

Languages you can use. Articles written in English or Spanish will be accepted. Nevertheless, the title, abstract and keywords should be included in both languages. In case of writing the text in Spanish, it should be conformed to the Real Academia de la Lengua Española recommendations. In the case of English, American, British and Australian standards will be welcome.

Format and style.

Articles should be written in A4 format and the pages should be numbered at the bottom of the page (centered). The use of Times New Roman font is recommended: size 10 for Tables, Graphs and Figures, size 11 for the text and size 12 in the headings. The margins will be the Top and Bottom of 2.5 and the Right and Left of 3. The paragraphs should be with Single Line spacing and with Front and Back Spacing 0.

Authors should write the information for the heading of the article (titles, authors, affiliations, ORCID, abstracts, keywords and both MSC 2010 y JEL classification codes) in the electronic form. In the document submitted for evaluation, the first page which is numbered should be the one including the body of the article. If heading data are included in the document, this information will be on the first (non-numbered) pages, independent from the body of the paper.

The length of the articles will be between 8,000 and 12,000 words, including references and annexes. And the length of the abstract will be between 50 and 250 words.

Bibliographic references must follow the APA Standards (, both when cited in the text and in the final section. They must also follow the APA standards in Tables, Figures and Graphs. In a final section should appear, in alphabetical order, the bibliographic references that the authors have cited in the text.

The manuscript may be written in the format and following the structure that each author considers most appropriate, allowing the use of any word processor, provided that the manuscript is sent in PDF and Word format.

The editors will be responsible for the layout of the accepted works, but the publishers are not responsible for the content of the articles or for the opinions expressed in them.

Authors' contribution. Authors (in the case of co-authorship) should indicate the level of contribution in each of the phases of both the research and the writing of the contribution. For this, it is recommended to follow the CRediT taxonomy


Funding. Authors should declare the funding received for their research by indicating the funding agency, program and grant code.

Plagiarism policy. All articles sent to the Journal must pass a plagiarism review process. This review is carried out by the editorial team with anti-plagiarism software (SafeAssign ...) prior to the submission of the article to the reviewers. The detection of plagiarism in an article sent to the Journal for its evaluation will imply its automatic rejection.

The authors of the article will be solely responsible for ensuring that their contribution meets the requirements of being original and unpublished.

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