Measurement of the influence of a sustainable value proposition in retail companies. Case: "multistores" in the Coquimbo Region - Chile


  • Segundo Ricardo Cabana Villca Universidad de La Serena
  • Mauricio Israel Aguilera Zambra
  • Camila Constanza Ramírez Vega
  • Juan Carlos Antonio Rojas Godoy



business competitiveness, sustainable value proposition, customer loyalty, value co-creation, sustainable innovation, eco-efficiency


In the global context related to the social and environmental crisis, this article aims to carry out an analysis of the variables that influence the competitiveness of multi-store companies in the Coquimbo Region, Chile, based on the formulation and effective use of a sustainable value proposition. A causal model composed of seven hypotheses is presented, with six study variables: sustainable value proposition (socio-environmental), customer loyalty, value co-creation, sustainable innovation, eco- efficiency and business competitiveness. The target population, through a representative sample of 383 people, are the consumers of the main regional retail stores. For the contrast of the proposed model, the method of structural equations is used, through Partial Least Squares (PLS). It is determined that the hypotheses raised are accepted and that the factors indicated explain the variance of business competitiveness by 89.9%.


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Author Biography

Segundo Ricardo Cabana Villca, Universidad de La Serena

Investigador senior, Deocente en la Universidad de La Serena. Magister en administración de Recursos Humanos


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How to Cite

Cabana Villca, S. R., Aguilera Zambra, M. I., Ramírez Vega, C. C., & Rojas Godoy, J. C. A. (2023). Measurement of the influence of a sustainable value proposition in retail companies. Case: "multistores" in the Coquimbo Region - Chile. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 36.


