The Uncertainty Theory assignment in the Customer Lifetime Valuation (CLV) for contractual settings with security intervals


  • Ana María Gil-Lafuente Departamento de Economía y Organización de Empresas Universidad de Barcelona
  • Mauricio Ortigosa Departamento de Economía y Organización de Empresas Universidad de Barcelona
  • José M. Merigó Departamento de Economía y Organización de Empresas Universidad de Barcelona



Valor del cliente, valor del consumidor, modelos del valor del cliente, intervalos de confianza, incertidumbre, customer lifetime value (CLV), customer lifetime valuation (CLV), customer lifetime value models (CLVM), security intervals, uncertainty


The Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) concept has been highly purposed in many researches in the marketing area since long time ago. Almost all of them tend to be based on determinist or stochastic assumptions when measuring magnitudes or events which have to do with CLV estimates.

Often, the Customer Lifetime Valuation (CLV) involves magnitudes that link to the future by the running environment, its mutability and uncertainty, and this turn out the results to be too accurate. Kaufman and Gil Aluja (1986), who are the two most well known European investigators, have carried out researches into several operative management techniques, stood by the following statement “Most of our traditional tools for formal modelling, reasoning, and computing are crisp, deterministic and precise in character”. Then traditional modelling with precise data can not necessarily mean to be accurate.

In this study the authors will deal with some useful directions for uncertainty data, fuzzy data to stand out more accurate according to the reality. Two different Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) models with a least structured uncertainty theory tool will be introduced as well as security intervals that are connected to uncertain magnitudes in the CLV estimation.


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How to Cite

Gil-Lafuente, A. M., Ortigosa, M., & Merigó, J. M. (2016). The Uncertainty Theory assignment in the Customer Lifetime Valuation (CLV) for contractual settings with security intervals. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 4, Páginas 75 a 97.


