Analysis of disability onset of the elderly in Catalonia


  • Lluís Bermúdez Morata Departamento de Matemática Económica, Financiera y Actuarial, RFA-IREA Universidad de Barcelona
  • Daniel Blay Berrueta Departamento de Econometría, Estadística y Economía Española, RFA-IREA Universidad de Barcelona
  • Montserrat Guillén Estany Departamento de Econometría, Estadística y Economía Española, RFA-IREA Universidad de Barcelona



Análisis de supervivencia, dependencia, actividades de la vida diaria, survival analysis, dependence, activities of daily living


In Spain individuals aged 60 years and above are major consumers of the health care system. The risk of becoming unable to perform daily life activities is higher for the elderly than for the younger population, and in addition, it increases with age. As a consequence we focus on the study of the period of life after an abled person who is 60 years old becomes disabled and we also study the factors that are related to the risk of disability.

Using data from the Survey of Disabilities, Handicaps and Health Status (EDDES, INE 1999), and using the Kaplan-Meier estimator, we estimate the survival functions to calculate the probability of becoming disabled at different age points. Besides, a Weibull regression model is estimated in order to interpret the effects of individual characteristics on the disability risk.


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How to Cite

Bermúdez Morata, L., Blay Berrueta, D., & Guillén Estany, M. (2016). Analysis of disability onset of the elderly in Catalonia. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 5, Páginas 3 a 16.


