Industrial Location Decisions in Aragon: an Empirical Application of a Multi-criterion Methodology of Aid to the Decision using ELECTRE Methods I and III. Robustness of the Obtained Results


  • Lucía Isabel García Cebrián Departamento de Economía y Dirección de Empresas Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Antonio Muñoz Porcar Departamento de Economía y Dirección de Empresas Universidad de Zaragoza



Localización empresarial, métodos ELECTRE, comarcas aragonesas, industrial location, ELECTRE methods, counties in Aragón (Spain)


The location decision is one of the most important strategic decisions that have to take the firms, with direct influence on their competitiveness. For this reason, many methodologies have been developed to help in the decision making. In this paper, we make an empirical application of a multi-criterion methodology of aid to the decision; specifically, ELECTRE method has been chosen in its versions I and III, in order to select the best place for a firm. The alternatives are counties in Aragon (Spain), and we use eight criteria. The weight has been obtained by surveys. In addition, evidence is contributed about the consistency of the obtained results. Though the typology of the problems to which both methods are destined are different, the obtained results can be considered consistent.


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How to Cite

García Cebrián, L. I., & Muñoz Porcar, A. (2016). Industrial Location Decisions in Aragon: an Empirical Application of a Multi-criterion Methodology of Aid to the Decision using ELECTRE Methods I and III. Robustness of the Obtained Results. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 7, Páginas 31 a 56.


