Comparison of Imputation Methods for Handling Missing Categorical Data with Univariate Pattern


  • Juan Armando Torres Munguía Maestría en Estadística Aplicada Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (México)



Imputation methods, hot-deck, polytomous regression, random forests, smoking habits, missing categorical data


This paper examines the sample proportions estimates in the presence of univariate missing categorical data. A database about smoking habits (2011 National Addiction Survey of Mexico) was used to create simulated yet realistic datasets at rates 5% and 15% of missingness, each for MCAR, MAR and MNAR mechanisms. Then the performance of six methods for addressing missingness is evaluated: listwise, mode imputation, random imputation, hot-deck, imputation by polytomous regression and random forests. Results showed that the most effective methods for dealing with missing categorical data in most of the scenarios assessed in this paper were hot-deck and polytomous regression approaches.



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How to Cite

Torres Munguía, J. A. (2016). Comparison of Imputation Methods for Handling Missing Categorical Data with Univariate Pattern . Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 17, Páginas 101 a 120.


