Models for Granting and Tracking in Credit Risk Management




scoring de crédito, riesgo de crédito, probabilidad de incumplimiento, análisis discriminante, regresión logística, redes neuronales, credit scoring, credit risk, default probability, discriminant analysis, logistic regression, neural networks


This research shows the application and performance of three models for the classification of credit applicants: discriminant analysis, logistic regression and neural networks; techniques used by financial institutions for the calculation of credit scoring. The results show a better performance of the neural network model compared to logistic regression and discriminant analysis, achieving a success rate of 86.9\% in the classification. For the three models, fourteen variables were used to inform about applicant's socioeconomic characteristics and those of the credit operation. In the area of credit risk management, this result is relevant since it can be complemented by the calculation of default probability, the exposure at default and the recovery rate of the entity to establish the value of expected losses at both the individual level and the whole credit portfolio of the entity.


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Author Biographies

Julio César Millán Solarte, Universidad del Valle

Profesor Asistente Universidad del Valle, Departamento de contabilidad y Finanzas, Magister en Ciencias de la Organizacion Msc., Especialista en Finanzas, contador Publico, Asesor Financiero

Edinson Caicedo Cerezo, Universidad del Valle

Profesor Asociado Universidad del Valle, Doctor en Empresa, Universidad de Barcelona, España, Master en Investigación en empresa, finanzas y seguros de la misma universidad; Magister en Ciencias de la organización, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia y Estadístico de la misma universidad.  Director del Grupo de Investigación en solvencia y riesgo financiero, Departamento de Contabilidad y Finanzas, Facultad de  Administración, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Millán Solarte, J. C., & Caicedo Cerezo, E. (2018). Models for Granting and Tracking in Credit Risk Management. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 25, Páginas 23 a 41.


