From Lifetime Benefits to Temporary Payments: An Approach to Survivors Benefits Reform in Spain


  • Daniel Hernández González Actuario. Director de Economía Española y Protección Social. C/ Atocha, 3 – 3ª Planta. Madrid. España.
  • José Enrique Devesa Carpio Actuario. Profesor titular. Universidad de Valencia. Instituto Polibienestar. España. Avda. de los Naranjos, s/n. Valencia. España.



Seguridad Social, pensiones de supervivencia, rentas temporales y vitalicias, equivalencia actuarial, Social Security, survivors benefits, lifetime and temporary income, actuarial equivalence


This article explores the possibility of transition from lifetime benefits to temporary payments, specifying the debate in the Spanish Social Security. The theoretical approach is presented and, according to the Continuous Sample of Working Lives, the application of actuarial equivalence and a sensitivity analysis on the main hypothesis, practical results are calculated. As it would be intuitively expected, the transition from lifetime benefits to temporary payments leads to better fairness in the model and a cost reduction in the initial expenses per generation for public protection system, although other perspectives, including reduced expectations for potential beneficiaries, should be also seen. Furthermore, the possibility of using different periods and amounts in the structure of expenses is shown as well. This option improves the protection at the time closest to the fact that generates the benefit.




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How to Cite

Hernández González, D., & Devesa Carpio, J. E. (2019). From Lifetime Benefits to Temporary Payments: An Approach to Survivors Benefits Reform in Spain. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 26, Páginas 220 a 236.


