Direct and Mediating Relationship of ICT on the Performance Diversification


  • Omar León Unipanamericana Compensar



diversificación, TIC, rendimiento, mediación, diversification, ICT, performance, mediation


This study analyzes the impact of the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on the diversification strategy and performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). From a sample of 95 companies in the autonomous community of the Basque Country, it is evidenced that diversified companies show a higher level of use of ICT and this resource positively affects financial and non-financial company performance. The analysis also show that ICT is a mediating variable between the type of diversification and performance of business in which the company has entered. For the correlational descriptive and statistical analysis of the variables, IBM SPSS software was used (version 21). Further analysis which may expand upon this study could be to apply the model to different industries with the idea of comparing the results found and to define specific strategies.


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How to Cite

León, O. (2018). Direct and Mediating Relationship of ICT on the Performance Diversification. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 25, Páginas 93 a 110.


