The Variation of GDP in a Simple Model of Income Determination


  • Eduardo Escartin Grupo SEJ442: Métodos Cualitativos y Optimización en Sistemas Dinámicos Económicos Universidad de Sevilla
  • Francisco Velasco Grupo SEJ442: Métodos Cualitativos y Optimización en Sistemas Dinámicos Económicos Universidad de Sevilla
  • Luis González-Abril Grupo SEJ442: Métodos Cualitativos y Optimización en Sistemas Dinámicos Económicos Universidad de Sevilla



macroeconomía, producto interior bruto (PIB), modelo de determinación de la renta, tasa de crecimiento, macroeconomics, gross domestic product (GDP), model of income determination, growth rate


In this paper, we prove that in a simple model of income determination, when taking into account linear functions, the change rate for the gross domestic product (GDP) is equal to the quotient of the increase in investment and the sum of exogenous consumption plus the initial investment. This means that the slope of the consumption function does not influence the change rate for the GDP and what matters for this variation rate is the exogenous consumption and the initial investment.


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How to Cite

Escartin, E., Velasco, F., & González-Abril, L. (2017). The Variation of GDP in a Simple Model of Income Determination. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 23, Páginas 210 a 220.


