Calculation of Operational Value at Risk of an Insurance Company through Bayesian Networks


  • Griselda Dávila Aragón Universidad Panmericana
  • Francisco Ortiz Arango Universidad Panamericana



Riesgo operacional, Redes Bayesianas, Solvencia II, OpVar., Operational risk, Bayesian networks


It was in the 1990’s when the concept of Operational Risk was defined, since then the institutions, especially those in the financial sector, are worried about this type of risk since their exposure could have fatal consequences. In case of the insurance sector its study originates due to the new European regulatory framework of Solvency II. The purpose of this research is the development of a methodology based on Bayesian networks to identify and measure operational risk in order to determine the solvency capital requirement in the online policy quotation process of an insurance company that recently entered into this way of operating. For this, a Bayesian network model was designed with a priori and a posteriori distributions that allowed estimating the frequency and severity of the losses, with the posteriori distributions, an estimate of the expected loss for a period of one year was made using Monte Carlo simulation.


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Author Biographies

Griselda Dávila Aragón, Universidad Panmericana

Profesora investigadora y Jefa de la Academia de Finanzas de la Escuela de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad Panamericana

Francisco Ortiz Arango, Universidad Panamericana

Director del Centro de Regulación Energética y Economía del Desarrollo de la Universidad Panamericana


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How to Cite

Dávila Aragón, G., & Ortiz Arango, F. (2019). Calculation of Operational Value at Risk of an Insurance Company through Bayesian Networks. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 27, 30–54.


