The Economic Impact of Nuclear Dismantlement in Spain


  • Ángeles Cámara Departamento de Economía Financiera y Contabilidad e Idioma Moderno Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Mª Isabel Martínez Abay Analistas Económicos
  • Leila Rodríguez Abay Analistas Económicos



desmantelamiento nuclear, impacto económico, modelo input-output, nuclear dismantling, economic impact, input-output model


The process of dismantling a nuclear power plant involves a series of economic activities, linked to economic sectors other than energy, which represent an opportunity for economic development, not only for the local communities where the power plant is located, but also for the rest of the society. Currently, the Spanish nuclear power plants have an average operating life of 33 years and in a decade will end its design life, so it is of interest to know the economic impact that will have its dismantling. For this, in this paper a multisectorial model is developed with which the impact of the dismantling process is analyzed, which includes both the closure of the plants, as well as the substitution of other energy sources and the management of radioactive waste. 


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How to Cite

Cámara, Ángeles, Martínez, M. I., & Rodríguez, L. (2018). The Economic Impact of Nuclear Dismantlement in Spain. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 25, Páginas 244 a 271.


