Effects of pedagogy and educational commitment on the academic performance of middle school students





multilevel analysis, school environment, family environment, academic performance, economics of education


This article studies from the hierarchical linear models, the hypothesis of positive incidence that the variables of pedagogy and educational commitment generate on the academic performance. For this, the scores obtained by 62769 middle school students in the 2012 PISA tests in 12 countries are analyzed. By specifying that educational processes adopt a hierarchical structure defined in two levels: students and schools; the econometric specification used leads to results ostensibly better compared to those generated from a traditional specification. Among the results, we have that the educational performance in six countries is explained in a greater proportion by variables of the family environment and student’s characteristics, while in six it is explained by the school environment. Similarly, the results confirm the research hypothesis formulated in the document: pedagogy and educational commitment have a positive impact on academic performance, therefore, the formulation of programs that encourage such practices within the schools should be part of the educational policy. Finally, it was found that the sex of the student does not provide any explanation that refers to the existence of educational gaps because the results are dissimilar between countries, while the non-repetition and absence from school, the provision of school elements at home, the level of parent training, among other factors, are associated with outstanding results in academic achievement.


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Author Biography

Bilver Adrian Astorquiza Bustos, Facultad de Ciencias Contables, Económicas y Administrativas. Universidad de Manizales (Colombia)

Economista, Magister en Economía Aplicada de la Universidad del Valle y estudiante del Ph. D en Economía de la Universidad EAFIT. Miembro de la Asociación de Estudios Latinoamericanos-LASA- Dirección: 050035 Medellín-Colombia.


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How to Cite

Astorquiza Bustos, B. A. (2019). Effects of pedagogy and educational commitment on the academic performance of middle school students. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 28, 43–67. https://doi.org/10.46661/revmetodoscuanteconempresa.2765


