A Hedonic Model of Online Prices of Used Cars in Argentina


  • Gonzalo R. Ramírez Muñoz de Toro Hyperia Big Data
  • Juan I. Uriarte Hyperia Big Data
  • Fernando Delbianco Departamento de Economía, Universidad Nacional del Sur. Instituto de Matemática de Bahía Blanca
  • Juan M.C. Larrosa Departamento de Economía, Universidad Nacional del Sur. Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur




métodos hedónicos, automóviles usados, datos en línea, hedonic methods, used cars, online data


Hedonic pricing models detect latent relationships between the price of a good and its different features. We have used data from online sites from Argentina on used cars to fit a broad model. Various features are significant such as performance, characteristics and equipment according to each vehicle type. Both regional differences in prices and a persistent association of domestically produced vehicles with low prices are observed.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Muñoz de Toro, G. R., Uriarte, J. I., Delbianco, F., & Larrosa, J. M. (2017). A Hedonic Model of Online Prices of Used Cars in Argentina. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 24, Páginas 25 a 53. https://doi.org/10.46661/revmetodoscuanteconempresa.2879


