Symmetric weakness in Management Indicators: consequences and structural impact




management indicators, structural impact, statistical estimator, KPI, key performance indicators


The present article is carried out with the purpose of exposing the reader to the statistical-structural weaknesses that the management indicators or key performance indicators may have -better known as KPIs-, used as measures to quantify the performance of a company or organization, especially when the variables considered in the design of the indicator only manage to have positive values, that is, to belong to a set of positive real numbers. This weakness occurs especially in the symmetric structure of the indicator, which results in a lack of equity and justice in the measurement, both by excess and by default. In this sense, perverse incentives are generated in the employee, which have an impact on the decision-making on those values that guarantee a lower numerical value over the absolute value and, therefore, aspects that are not in harmony with optimization and organization. To do this, we proceeded to perform a statistical demonstration of the relative management indicators (IGT1-IGT2), in function with the behaviour of the input random variable, whose income is the positive real numbers which determines this way, the levels where it appears this symmetric instability that without realizing it can generate a significant impact on the final indicator to the detriment of the company or organization that is monitoring it.


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How to Cite

Boada, A. J., & Alzate, I. C. (2020). Symmetric weakness in Management Indicators: consequences and structural impact. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 29, 319–336.


