The relationship between trust, commitment and its effects on brand loyalty


  • Frederico Rafael Vargas Rocha Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Javier de Esteban Curiel Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Luiz Rodrigo Moura Cunha Fundação Pedro Leopoldo (Brasil)



brand, trust, commitment, loyalty, Rock in Rio


This article considers the customer’s trust and commitment variables in attaining the much desired brand loyalty. In this sense, the present study proposed to validate a theoric model composed of three pillars - trust, commitment and brand loyalty, which would be useful for companies with a focus on brand equity. This study was one of the first in the Brazilian academic context to utilize the aforementioned pillars in analyzing a brand with more than three decades of history in the Brazilian music entertainment sector, this being the Rock in Rio Festival. By means of the Facebook Advertisements, 725 online questionnaires were responded by participants in the 2017 edition of the Rock in Rio. In addition, three hypotheses which initially were established became five 5 hypotheses during the statistical analysis process, 4 of which were supported. According to the empirical results obtained, the relationship between the trust/service expectation X commitment, trust/service expectation X loyalty, trust/service recovery X loyalty and commitment X loyalty constructs presented satisfactory results. Therefore, the use of the said constructs in the test model yielded for commitment an R2 of 57.7% and for loyalty an R2 of 83.1%, each of which respectively is positive. The findings of this work were established on content analysis and statistical procedures based on multivariate techniques.


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How to Cite

Rocha, F. R. V., Curiel, J. de E., & Cunha, L. R. M. (2020). The relationship between trust, commitment and its effects on brand loyalty. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 29, 131–151.


