Determinant factors in adoption of suppliers credit of small manufacturing companies


  • Jorge Osiris García Regalado CENTRUM - Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
  • Jorge Zavala Vinces CENTRUM - Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
  • Sunny Sánchez Giler Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo (Ecuador)



suppliers credit, fundamented theory, relational map, financial institutions, determinant factors


In Ecuador the commercial credit acts as a financing source between the small companies, however, exists evidence about the low access and uses of this type of credit by firms belonged to manufacturing sector, furthermore it causes a positive effect on the production of them.

In this paper, a review of secondary data from official sources was developed in which series of evolution data about the relationship between production, measured by sales, and accounts payable to suppliers and financial institutions were analyzed. (2007-2017) of the small Ecuadorian manufacturing companies, it was observed that there is a direct-positive relationship between income and the use of credit from suppliers. Through an econometric modeling that postulates an extension to the Cobb-Douglas production function of a modified nature, the variable "S" supplier credit was considered as an additional argument.

Through in-depth interviews with managers of small companies, the factors that determine the use of credit from suppliers as an alternative to financing were explored. In this way, commercial credit could be characterized according to the ease of obtaining, origins, loyalty, payment mechanism, that they are aspects that influence in the decision of the volume of the credit and the term to agree for such operation; Likewise, it was possible to demonstrate the limitations that entrepreneurs have for access to bank credit, such as guarantees, high interest rates and non-competitive conditions.


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How to Cite

García Regalado, J. O., Zavala Vinces, J., & Sánchez Giler, S. (2020). Determinant factors in adoption of suppliers credit of small manufacturing companies . Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 29, 275–301.


