Innovative efficiency in the service sector: the case of Uruguay




innovation, technical efficiency, Innovation Activities Survey, Data Envelopment Analysis


This study analyse the technical efficiency in terms of innovation of the firms in the service sector in the Uruguayan economy. Therefore, we use data from the 2010-2012 Innovation Activities Survey of the National Agency for Research and Innovation (ANII). In a first stage, we estimate the level of efficiency of each company through a Data Envelopment Analysis model, incorporating the inputs and outputs related to the innovative activity of the firms. The results reveal that, despite the effort made in terms of investment in innovation, the results are still very poor. On average, the companies analysed could increase their innovation production by 44.5% given the resources invested. Subsequently, we explore the relationship between innovative efficiency and several characteristics of the firms. In this sense, we found that medium-sized firms have lower efficiency than small and large companies. The results can be useful for both those responsible for the area of innovation of the firms, as well as to the institutions that provide support in the field of innovation (such as the ANII), since they provide substantive evidence to improve the orientation of the innovative strategy to be followed by firms in the service sector.


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How to Cite

Brida, J. G., Ladós, V., & Sicilia, G. (2021). Innovative efficiency in the service sector: the case of Uruguay. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 31, 240–258.


