Calculation of a multicriteria indicator for the management of human and technological resources in a hemodialysis service




Management Indicators, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Hospital Units, Multicriteria Decision Analysis, Modified Reference Ideal Method


The aim of this presentation is to develop a composite indicator, which should be consistent and reliable, to evaluate the physiological conditions of a group of patients on dialysis therapy. The composite indicators are developed based on key performance indicators. They have the advantage of being able to be interpreted quickly and give to the decision makers an orientation on the procedures to be followed.

The purpose is to provide a management indicator to optimize the activities of this hospital unit, and in this way, to provide patients maximum care.

The composite indicator was built with the clinical laboratories, which are performed on patients on dialysis treatment.

The central idea of the study is to make a ranking of patients based on the criteria that support the physiological conditions of each one of them. The study was carried out in one of the major hospitals in the city of Córdoba, Argentina.

To solve the problem, we applied the multicriteria decision analysis, specifically, the Reference Ideal Method. Modifications to the traditional technique have been proposed to make it possible to work with several ideal reference intervals in the same criterion.

The referral to experts in order to define the criteria and the relative weights has been performed by application of the Delphi Method.


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How to Cite

Curchod, M. Ángel, & Alberto, C. L. (2021). Calculation of a multicriteria indicator for the management of human and technological resources in a hemodialysis service. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 32, 49–65.


