Natural People Credit Risk Modeling. An applied case in a Colombian Family Benefit Fund




Credit Risk, Logit Model, Probit Model, Neural Network, Support Vector Machine


Credit score models quantify the risks in credit operations, customer segmentation, and approve or reject requests to credit customers. These models provide the necessary information to calculate the probabilities of default of any customer through the application of parametric or non-parametric techniques. This work identifies which model (Logit, Probit, Neural Networks, or Linear Support-Vector Machine (L-SVM)) may be more appropriate to measure the credit risk of individuals in a Family Benefit Fund located in Colombia. The results show Linear Support Vector Machine produces better performance, but Probit - Stepwise models are equally useful and they have the advantage of being interpreting the calibrated parameters.


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Author Biography

David Esteban Rodríguez Guevara, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano de Medellín (Colombia)

David Rodriguez is an economist from University Gran Colombia, has a master in financial management of the EAFIT University. His research interest is applied econometrics, finances and risk. He has experience as professor, and research coordinator in the chamber of commerce of Armenia.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Guevara, D. E., Rendón Garcia, J. F., Trespalacios Carrasquilla, A., & Jiménez Echeverri, E. A. (2022). Natural People Credit Risk Modeling. An applied case in a Colombian Family Benefit Fund. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 33, 29–48.


