Emotions and value: its effects on satisfaction, loyalty and response to sports sponsorship





emotions, fan behaviour, sponsorship response


The study focuses on fans who have just attended a major sporting event. Specifically, relationships between emotions, value transferred from the event to the official sponsor, satisfaction, loyalty and response to sports sponsorship are investigated. A sample of 364 sports fans attending the Formula 1 European Grand Prix respond. The structural equations technique is applied with the statistical program EQS 6.2 to contrast the relationships between the variables of the theoretical model proposed in the research. The results show that there is a transfer of value between the event and the official sponsor. This transfer has as an antecedent the emotions, and as effects satisfaction, loyalty and response to sponsorship.


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How to Cite

Aragonés-Jericó, C., Küster-Boluda, I., & Vila-López, N. (2023). Emotions and value: its effects on satisfaction, loyalty and response to sports sponsorship. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 35, 80–99. https://doi.org/10.46661/revmetodoscuanteconempresa.5585


