A study of the export competitiveness of the main Peruvian mining products (2010-2019)





competitiveness matrix, sector participation, dynamism, linear regression, mining sector


The export of minerals contributes in great proportion to the Peruvian economy, allowing the development of different sectors. The main objective of this research is to identify the behavior of the five main Peruvian export mining products and compare the results with the main exporting countries in order to determine their level of competitiveness. For this, a modification to the CEPAL competitiveness matrix made by Ramón and Lacayo in 2007 was used, complemented with the RCA, ICTB and PCE indicators; the data were obtained for the period from 2010 to 2019 from ITC-Trade Map. As a result, a high degree of specialization and competitiveness was evidenced in all evaluated Peruvian mining products. Copper, the category with the highest level of comparative advantage and the second with the highest growth rate, is the main export product contributing more than 25% of export earnings. Gold, the second category with the highest competitiveness rate, has reduced this level in the period. Zinc and Refined Copper has high levels of specialization, however, its competitiveness is on the decline. Finally, the Iron category is the one that showed the least competitiveness, but with a higher growth rate than the others.


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How to Cite

Escalante Yaulilahua, D. A., Jeri Huanaco, Y. C., Apolinario Torres, R. M., Roque Durand, R. R., & Venegas Rodríguez, P. B. (2022). A study of the export competitiveness of the main Peruvian mining products (2010-2019). Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 33, 264–284. https://doi.org/10.46661/revmetodoscuanteconempresa.5939


