Psychometric properties of the Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy Scale in University Students in Mexico




self-efficacy, entrepreneurship, validity, university students, permanent poverty


The investigation focused on provide evidence of construct, convergent and criterion validity, as well as reliability for the Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy Scale (ESE) and analyze factor equivalence by participating groups: sex, age ranges, development stages, semester and universities. 1,525 students from two Mexican public universities participated. The version adapted to Spanish was applied using the reverse translation procedure, as well as the Social Entrepreneurship Scale (SEAS). The adaptation of the ESE to Spanish reproduces the six factors proposed by the original authors in a second order model that shows a good fit (χ² = 2.367, p <0.05), gl = 229, RMSEA = .08, SRMR =, 04, CFI = .95, TLI = .94, AIC = 81,521). It was found that business self-efficacy predicts 23.3% of entrepreneurship intention and presents a moderate correlation with SEAS self- efficacy (r = 0.48). In general, configurational and metric invariance was found in each of the groups analyzed (ΔCFI> -.01). The omega McDonald coefficient value was .94. The Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy Scale applied to university students in contexts of poverty in Mexico is reliable, with evidence of validity and invariant for the different groups analyzed.


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How to Cite

González-Betanzos , F., Quiñonez-Tapia, F., & Vargas-Garduño, M. de L. (2023). Psychometric properties of the Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy Scale in University Students in Mexico. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 35, 118–135.


