Ethical declaration

Code of ethics
«Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa » intends to be a useful means of communication for all those who research in topics of mathematics, statistics or econometrics and their possible applications to the economics and business area.

Commitment of the authors

• Originality and fidelity of the data: The authors must send original works to «Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa», testifying that the work is original and unpublished, that it does not contain parts of other authors or of other fragments already published by the authors. They must also confirm the veracity of the data.
Multiple and/or repetitive publications: The author must not publish articles in which the same results are repeated in more than one scientific journal or any other publication of a non-academic character. • Attributions, citations and references: The author must always supply the correct indication of the sources and the support mentioned in the article along with its DOI or else URL should there be one.
Authorship: The authors guarantee including those people who have made a significant scientific and intellectual contribution to the conceptualization, and the planning of the work and the analysis of the results and their writing. At the same time, the order of appearance of the authors is to be hierarchized according to their level of responsibility and involvement.
Access and retention: If the members of the Editorial Board consider it appropriate, the authors of the articles must also make available the sources or the data upon which the research is based, which can be conserved during a reasonable period of time after publication and possibly be made accessible.
Conflicts of interest and dissemination: All the authors are obliged to explicitly declare that there are no conflicts of interest which may have influenced the results obtained or the interpretations proposed. The authors also must indicate any financing of agencies and/or projects from which the research article has arisen.
Errors in the articles published: When an author identifies in his/her article an important error or an inexactitude, he/she must immediately inform the journal’s editors and provide them with all the information necessary to list the pertinent corrections at the bottom of the same article (always in the margin to not alter the publication).
Responsibility: The responsibility of the content of the articles published in «Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa» is exclusively the authors’. The authors also commit themselves to carrying out a review of the most current and relative scientific literature of the topic analyzed, pluralistically bearing different streams of knowledge in mind.

Commitments of the reviewers

Contribution to the editorial decision: The reviewers assume the commitment of carrying out and guaranteeing a critical, honest, constructive and unbiased review, both of the scientific and the literary quality of what is written in the field of their knowledge and skills.
Regarding the review time: The reviewer who does not feel competent in the topic to be reviewed or who cannot finish the evaluation in the time programmed must immediately notify the editors. The reviewers are committed to evaluating the works in the least time possible to respect the deadlines.
Confidentiality: Each manuscript assigned must be considered as confidential. Therefore, these texts must not be discussed without the express consent of the editors.
Objectivity: The peer review must be done objectively. The reviewers are obliged to give sufficient reasons for each of their valuations, always using the review template. The reviewers will deliver a critical report complete with appropriate references according to the review protocol of «Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa».
Text visualization: The reviewers are committed to precisely indicating the bibliographic references of fundamental works possibly forgotten by the author. The reviewer must also inform the editors of any similarity or overlapping of the manuscript with published works.
Anonymity: To guarantee that the review process is the most objective, impartial and transparent possible, the identity of the authors is suppressed before sending out the peer review works. If, for some cause, the identity of the authors, their institutional affiliations or any other data is compromised, putting at risk the document’s anonymity, the reviewer must immediately notify the editors.

Commitment of the editors

Publication decision: The editors will guarantee the selection of the most qualified and scientifically specialized reviewers to issue a critical and expert appreciation of the work, with the least biases possible. «Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa» opts for selecting two reviewers for each work, in order for a greater objectivity to be guaranteed in the review process. In the case of there being different valuations, a third reviewer would, as an exceptional case, be selected.
Honesty: The editors evaluate the articles sent for their publication on the basis of the scientific merit of the contents, without discriminating against the authors’ race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, or political opinion.
Confidentiality: The editors and the members of the working group are committed to not disclose information relating to the articles sent for publication to other people who are not the authors, reviewers and editors. The editors and the Editorial Committee are committed to the confidentiality of the manuscripts, their authors and reviewers in order that anonymity preserves the intellectual integrity of all the process.
Conflict of interests and dissemination: the editors are committed to not using in their research contents of the articles sent for publication without the author’s written consent.
Regarding deadlines: The editors are those most responsible for fulfilling the deadlines for the reviews and the publication of the works accepted, to assure a fast dissemination of the results. They duly commit themselves to fulfilling the published deadlines (a maximum of 90 days in the acceptance/rejection from receiving the manuscript in the Review Platform).

Plagiarism detection

The works sent by authors to the journal «Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa» will be submitted by the publication management to Software SafeAssign and others.