Eidetic Beauty: Classism and Modernity in Joaquín Torres García’s Platonism





Plato, art, idea, truth, beauty, modernity


The influence of Plato’s thought in Joaquin Torres Garcia’s writings is, nowadays, as well-known as it is little-understood. A critical approach to the artistic element of this relationship is barely identifiable within the scope of historiography. The incidence of Platonic idealism in the epochal contradictions, particularly in associating Torres with certain movements of the European avant-garde, begun to be studied in recent decades only. These three aspects will be the subject of the following article, whose purpose is to think about Torresgarcian Platonism from both a theoretical and a practical point of view and to delve into the complexity of a period of great changes in art history: the first half of the XX century.


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Cáceres, Alfredo. Torres García: estudio psicológico y síntesis crítica. Montevideo: Imp. Ligu, 1941.

Fló, Juan. Imaginarios Prehispánicos en el Arte Uruguayo: 1870-1970. Montevideo: MAPI, 2006.

Gradowczyk, Mario. Utopía y Transgresión. Montevideo: Fundación JTG, 2007.

Jardí, Enric. Joaquín Torres García. El descubrimiento de sí mismo. Barcelona: Ediciones Polígrafa S. A., 1973.

Platón. Timeo. En Obra Completa. Madrid: Gredos, 1986-1988.

Rey Ashfield, William. “José Enrique Rodó, entre el monumento y la ciudad.” Atrio. Revista de Historia del Arte, no. 18 (2012): 61-72.

Schopenhauer, Arthur. El Mundo como Voluntad y Representación. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblioteca Nueva, 1927.

Torres García, Joaquín. Universalismo Constructivo. Buenos Aires: Poseidón, 1944.

Torres García, Joaquín. Lo aparente y lo concreto en el Arte. Montevideo: Centro Editor de América Latina, 1969.



How to Cite

Rey Ashfield, William, and Natalia Costa Rugnitz. 2019. “Eidetic Beauty: Classism and Modernity in Joaquín Torres García’s Platonism”. Atrio. Revista De Historia Del Arte, no. 25 (December). Sevilla, España:240-57. https://doi.org/10.46661/atrio.4441.


