La estación de ferrocarril de Jerez de la Frontera: un proyecto del ingeniero Francisco Castellón Ortega


  • Francisco Cuadros Trujillo Grupo Investigación HUM-573 «Arquitecto Vandelvira» - Universidad de Jaén, España


Station, Railway, Historicism, Architecture, Heritage


The current passenger building of the railway station of Jerez de la Frontera has been attributed by many authors to a project of the famous architect Aníbal González Alvarez-Ossorio, and its completion has been associated with the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929. This attribution is based on the correlation between the architectural style of this building and historicist regionalism in Andalusia, which was developed at this time in the city of Seville. As a result of the historical study of some of the railway stations in Andalusia, it was noted that the building corresponds to a blueprint for the construction of a new station in Jerez belonging to the rail line Jerez-Almargen. This draft was developed by the Civil Engineer D. Francisco Castellón Ortega in 1927, and together with other evidence discussed in this article, we believe this is proof of the authorship of this important work.


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How to Cite

Cuadros Trujillo, Francisco. 2012. “La estación De Ferrocarril De Jerez De La Frontera: Un Proyecto Del Ingeniero Francisco Castellón Ortega”. Atrio. Revista De Historia Del Arte, no. 18 (March). Sevilla, España:107-22.


