Traditional Kuagro

Transformations of Cultural Manifestation for Own Educationion


  • Dimas del Rosario De Ávila torres Institución Educativa Tierra Bomba



San Basilio de Palenque, Traditional Kuagro, Self-education, Method to consult the collective memory


This text includes part of the doctoral thesis "Ma-kuagro and the didactic strategies for its cultural transmission in San Basilio de Palenque, Colombia", to apply for the Degree of Doctor in Culture and Education. Method: Ethnographic research and design supported by the Collective Memory Consultation Method with interviews with 14 palenqueros and palenqueras distributed in three groups: academic-research experts, social leaders and the community in general. Results: Stories of traditional kuagro are presented, showing relationships between their moments of creation; tensions between the rules and the system of proper law and values; between the rites of war and the antagonism of the Kuagros above and below in the village that shows elements of relations and transformations today. Conclusions: Makuagro is positioned as the axis of the cultural manifestations of San Basilio de Palenque with transformations driven by the interaction of the Palenquero people with the nearby cities that brought with it the pressure of the use of information and communication technologies to be connected and informed, a process that began in the decade of the 80's of the twentieth century.


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How to Cite

De Ávila torres, D. del R. (2024). Traditional Kuagro: Transformations of Cultural Manifestation for Own Educationion. Comparative Cultural Studies: European and Latin American Perspectives, (18), 1–22.