Memoria y soledad: de la Shoá a la violencia colombiana


  • Martha L. Canfield Università degli Studi di Firenze


Parole chiave:

Bibliowicz, Colombian violence, exile, Holocaust, memory and post-memoria


The essay focuses on a novel by the Colombian writer Azriel Bibliowicz, Migas de pan, published in 2014, that narrates the kidnapping of an elderly Jew who survived the Siberian concentration camps and emigrated in Colombia with his wife, an Auschwitz survivor. Both themes, Holocaust and Colombian Violence, are linked and give rise to a series of reflexions on evil, solidarity, personal memory and its transmission (or post-memory), and the values of words and silence.


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Riferimenti bibliografici

Aristóteles, Problemas, Madrid, Gredos, 2004.

Barber Benjamin, Strong Democracy, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1984.

Bibliowicz Azriel, Migas de pan, Bogotá, Alfaguara, 2013.

Dhondt Reindert, Cómo coleccionar el pasado: posmemoria y coleccionismo de Migas de pan de Azriel Bibliowicz, in «Confluencia: Revista hispánica de cultura y literatura», University of Northern Colorado, vol. 35, n. 2, Spring 2020.

Droznes Lázaro, Humor Judío en el Holocausto: El humor como estrategia de supervivencia, South Carolina (US), Create Space, 2018.

Stannard D.E., American Holocaust: The Conquest of the New World, Oxford University Press, 1994.

Tudela-Fournet Miguel, Insilio: formas y significados contemporáneos del exilio, en «Pensa-miento», vol. 76, n. 288, 2020.




Come citare

Canfield, M. L. (2021). Memoria y soledad: de la Shoá a la violencia colombiana. Comparative Cultural Studies: European and Latin American Perspectives, 6(12), 75–84.