Polishing Diamonds in Havana: A Personal Account of the Flight of a Jewish Refugee to Cuba, 1938-46


  • Judith Kreith B.A. (Colorado College), M.A. (Stanford University)




Cuba, diamond industry, Holocaust, Jewish refugees, World War II


Thousands of European Jewish refugees found acceptance on the island of Cuba at the outbreak of World War II. The author provides a unique portrayal of this time by utilizing her mother’s firsthand account of the safety her family found there as refugees from Nazi-occupied Europe. The article draws from primary sources, includ-ing the author’s mother’s story, photos, diary and documents, and places the event in the context of the Cuban politics, economics, and perceptions at the time. The refu-gees brought the new industry of diamond faceting to Cuba, though, in the end, it was short-lived. The article illustrates the acceptance of refugees, communal respect, and working together for mutual benefit.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Bejarano Margalit, The Jewish community of Cuba: Memory and history, Israel, The Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2014.

Finkels Kreith Marion, Diary 1943–1945, Kreith Family Archives, 1943-1945.

Finkels Kreith Marion, Personal interviews, 2012–Present.

Frolich Marion, Personal interview, 2014.

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Maitland Leslie, Crossing the borders of time: A true story of war, exile, and love reclaimed, New York, Other Press, 2013.

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Further Reading

The following references were useful for the research. Articles and books listed in this section are provided for the reader wanting more information.Behar Ruth, An island called home: Returning to Jewish Cuba, New Brunswick, Rutgers

University Press, 2009.

Corrales Maritza, The chosen island: Jews in Cuba, Chicago, Salsedo Press, 2005.

De Vries David, Diamonds and war: State, capital, and labor in British-ruled Palestine, New York, Berghahn Books, 2010.

Engle Margarita, Tropical secrets: Holocaust refugees in Cuba, New York, Henry Holt & Co., 2009.

Epstein E. J., The rise and fall of diamonds: The shattering of a brilliant illusion, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1982.

Erdman Paul, Diamonds are not forever, in «The New York Times Book Review», June 20, 1982; <https://www.nytimes.com/1982/06/20/books/diamonds-are-not-forever.html>.

Lanza M. B. (& authors incl. González López, R. M.), Presencia alemana en Cuba. Deuts-che Spuren in Kuba. Mapa plegable etnográfico. Escala 1:2,488,000, La Habana, Edi-ciones GEO / Fundación Fernando Ortiz, [Pamphlet], 2008.

Klein Arthur, An unplanned roundtrip, Falls Village (CT), Hamilton Books, 2009.

Palmer G., Gateway to the promised land, in «Liberty», 21(6), 14-15, February 5, 1944, 38.

Richman B.D., How communities create economic advantage: Jewish diamond merchants in N e w Yo r k, in «Law & Social Inquiry», 31(2), Spring 2006, pp. 383-420.

Ronald Robert, Last train to freedom: A story of a Holocaust survivor’s travel to America, Self-published, 1997.

Rosshandler Felicia, Passing through Havana: A novel of a wartime girlhood in the Carib-bean, New York, St. Martin’s Press, 1984.

Sapir Boris, The Jewish Community of Cuba: Settlement and Growth, New York, J.T.S.P. University Press, 1948.




Como Citar

Kreith, J. (2021). Polishing Diamonds in Havana: A Personal Account of the Flight of a Jewish Refugee to Cuba, 1938-46. Comparative Cultural Studies: European and Latin American Perspectives, 6(11), 61–74. https://doi.org/10.13128/ccselap-12518