Incidence of Job Satisfaction in the Servers´ Performance of the Financial Management Department of ULEAM University
Palabras clave:
job satisfaction, job performance, Secular University Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de ManabíResumen
The objective of this research is to determine the incidence of job satisfaction in the performance of the servers of the Financial Department of the Secular Eloy Alfaro de Manabí University, in Ecuador. A questionnaire was applied to a sample of 19 servers of the aforementioned institution to determine their level of job satisfaction. The results revealed that the respondents did not assign positive values to the following dimensions of job satisfaction: structure, salary, working conditions, welfare conditions and leadership. They assigned positive values to the content dimensions of the work; values and customs and interpersonal relationships. The results indicated that 63.17% was placed in the Very Good Category according to the final assessment scale established in the Public Service Law; and 31% in the Excellent Category. It is concluded that despite not being satisfied with the structure, salary, working conditions, welfare conditions and leadership, the work performance of the sample of servers of the Financial Department of the university mentioned above is between very good and excellent, which indicates that job dissatisfaction for this group of individuals does not have a negative impact on their job performance.
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