Manifestations of violence and aggression in sports events


  • Lenny Liz Rivas Universidad Antonio de Nebrija



Sports, Violence, Aggression, Education, Intolerance


This work exposes the concept and definition given to violence through a multidisciplinary view of it, since it is not possible to carry out a general analysis of violent behavior without taking into account different perspectives. Violence is a phenomenon that crosses all times and societies, so much so that in any social context that we can consider, different types of violence or aggression can appear. This fact is so strong that sport is not able to escape violence since it has become an important figure in modern societies. Well, although sport is oriented towards the delight of physical activity, the awakening of those emotions that are born from physical contact, teamwork, strategy planning and that explosion of adrenaline that one can only experience by doing sport, there is always a negative part, in this case, a part full of violence, which unfortunately and on many occasions, ends up swallowing up the fun and satisfying part of sport


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How to Cite

Liz Rivas, Lenny. 2024. “Manifestations of Violence and Aggression in Sports Events”. Cuadernos De RES PUBLICA En Derecho Y criminología, no. 3 (March):167-79.