Criminological study of the cybercriminal and his victims




Cyber victim, Cyber crime, Cyber offender


Social networks, shopping websites, discussion forums or access to any type of information and content are a space where each person can adopt a different role (Chou, T., 2015). At the same time as this evolution for the correct use of the network, a complex criminal network has developed, which manages to circumvent any security measures that have been tried to be implemented. This paper will analyse the main criminal data through the network between 2015 and 2019, looking for the cause of these and the possible justifications for the lack of clarification of criminal acts, whether they affect individuals or groups, based on the data provided by the Ministry of the Interior. This work aims to provide an approximation of the figure of the cyber victim, the characteristics of the two figures it comprises: the offender and the victim


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How to Cite

Rodríguez González , Víctor, Claudio Augusto Paya Santos, and Bernardo Peña Herrera. 2023. “Criminological Study of the Cybercriminal and His Victims”. Cuadernos De RES PUBLICA En Derecho Y criminología, no. 1 (May):95-107.