Pompeii and the elite residence in the cities of the empire: innovation and architecture


  • Ricardo Mar Università Rovira i Virgili


Pompeii, houses, Roman architecture, residential typology


The elite residence in the provincial cities of the Empire was an innovative cultural product, adapted to the needs of the new local aristocracies. During the last two centuries of the Republic, the highest-ranking nobility and their Italic associates had copied in their luxury residences the models of palatial architecture they had known during the conquest of the Hellenistic East. With the arrival of the Empire, the new ruling class, with more modest origins, although richer and more numerous, demanded the application of these ideological
models in their own residences. A new residential standard was thus generated, organized in a more rational way. The city of Pompeii, destroyed at an early stage of the Empire, has preserved the most significant buildings to understand the genesis of an innovative architectural language that was the forerunner of the high-rise islands built in the great imperial mega-cities (Ostia-Rome, Carthage, Antioch, Ephesus...).


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How to Cite

Mar, R. . (2023). Pompeii and the elite residence in the cities of the empire: innovation and architecture. ROMULA, (19), 41–84. Retrieved from https://upo.es/revistas/index.php/romula/article/view/7956


