A New study project on the “termas de las bóvedas” (San Pedro Alcántara, Marbella). First data and research perspectives


  • Adalberto Ottati Universidad Pablo de Olavide
  • Sara Díaz Ramos Universidad Pablo de Olavide
  • Rafael Hidalgo Prieto Universidad Pablo de Olavide
  • María Luisa Loza Azuaga IAPH
  • Pedro Rodríguez Oliva Universidad de Málaga


Marbella, roman architecture, baths, heating systems


On the coast of Málaga, on the right side/bank of the River Guadalmina just next to
the sea, there is a building that is preserved, whose use for bathing is rightly attributed, and
which is known as “Las Bóvedas”. Constructed in the 2nd century AD, it has been linked
with both the Cilniana mansiones and the Salduba of the Itinerarium Antonini Augusti. The
structure that is preserved presents itself as an architectural complex of clear relevance. Firstly,
this building is significant because of its layout; and secondly, the structure stands out due
to the techniques adopted during its construction. The objective of our intervention will be to
present a series of facts collected during a first phase of investigation, within the frame of a
new research project for the entire area.


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How to Cite

Ottati, A., Díaz Ramos, S., Hidalgo Prieto, R., Loza Azuaga, M. L., & Rodríguez Oliva, P. . (2023). A New study project on the “termas de las bóvedas” (San Pedro Alcántara, Marbella). First data and research perspectives. ROMULA, (19), 113–138. Retrieved from https://upo.es/revistas/index.php/romula/article/view/7958


