From conservation to innovation

lintel archs and stone lintels from the “Provincial Forum” in Tarraco (Hispania Citerior)


  • Maria Serena Vinci Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)


Tarraco, Provincial Forum, opus quadratum, lintel archs, lintel building system


The grand building complex in Tarraco known as the “Provincial Forum” is one of the most emblematic imperial-era monuments in the Western Roman provinces. The construction of one of the key monuments in the Roman West was extensively influenced by local stone resources, in particular limestone, and often generated new architectural solutions and applications that have become its identifying characteristic that, in some cases, are truly architectural experimentation. The aim of this contribution is to analyse the roofing systems in opus
quadratum technique used in doorways or windows from the upper and intermediate terrace of the Provincial Forum. Their constructive features highlight the know-how and experience of the workers who, in moulding the local limestone, created an architectural complex that, in many aspects, remains unique in the panorama of Early Imperial Roman architecture.


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How to Cite

Serena Vinci, M. (2023). From conservation to innovation: lintel archs and stone lintels from the “Provincial Forum” in Tarraco (Hispania Citerior). ROMULA, (20), 179–203. Retrieved from


