Effectiveness of management in the universities, from models of perception of student quality: the model of the University Bernardo O'Higgins





quality, effectiveness, evaluation, higher education, service culture, satisfaction survey


Quality in education is a recurring theme in this society where the training of competent professionals is an essential element for their progress and development in the face of growing market demands. The competitiveness given by the multivariety of educational offerings, together with the historical role of universities as knowledge managers, drives universities to focus on a permanent process of reflection and analysis about the fulfillment of their institutional objectives and the degree of effectiveness measured in the satisfaction of their main clients, that is, their students. In this context, this research aims to establish priorities for financial and institutional management from the degree of satisfaction of university students at Bernardo O'Higgins University by applying the methodology of modeling structural equations, based on variances, seeking relationships between different areas of satisfaction, with multivariate methods factorial analysis. For these purposes, the internal consistency method based is given by the average of the correlations between the items in order to estimate the reliability of his instrument. Finally, it should be pointed out that the study has managed to model a system derived from the response behaviour of students and teachers at the Universidad Bernardo O’Higgins.


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How to Cite

Ruff Escobar, C., Ruiz Toledo, M., Matheu Pérez, A. ., Juica Martínez, P., & Anabalón Arenas, G. . (2021). Effectiveness of management in the universities, from models of perception of student quality: the model of the University Bernardo O’Higgins. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 31, 259–279. https://doi.org/10.46661/revmetodoscuanteconempresa.4336


