The graffiti artists, artists and muralists transgressing gender roles within the urban graphics of Aguascalientes


  • Sergio Raúl Recio Saucedo Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez



interventions, roles, gender, transgression, graffiti, paint, Women


The activities of graffiti, street art and urban muralism are characterized by being practices that have been linked mainly to the male figure due to the physical risks they pose to the participants. However, gradually women have been incorporated into the dynamics of graphic intervention of the spaces of the hydro-warm territory. Therefore, the article explains the gender stereotypes and the acts carried out by women graffiti artists, artists and muralists to transgress the cultural and historical ideas that limit and condemn their performance within the graphic-street movements of the city of Aguascalientes. Female graphic activity was approached from gender studies to elucidate the complexity of the cultural elements that socially define female and male identities within society. In addition, to analyze the dynamics that disturb the established orders destined to the transgression of the ideas that determine the duty of the female figure. This was possible through the application of in-depth interviews that provided information about their work in the movements. The results that were obtained were associated with the understanding of the acts that women use to transgress gender roles in the graffiti, street art and muralism movements. As well as the practices they develop to stay active. This made it possible to conclude that women present themselves in public spaces as a person capable and courageous of reproducing the street dynamics of movements in Aguascalientes.


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How to Cite

Recio Saucedo, S. R. (2020). The graffiti artists, artists and muralists transgressing gender roles within the urban graphics of Aguascalientes. Ambigua: Revista De Investigaciones Sobre Género Y Estudios Culturales, (7), 289–312.