Breve aproximación a la historieta andaluza


  • Rafael Ruiz Dávila Universidad de Granada, España


comics, comic books, Andalusia, cultural heritage, comic-book studies, comic theory, andalusien anthology


Not like another countries with an old tradition in cartoonism, comics are gained later a place in the spanish universities; some examples are LaRAÑA, first academic magazine about comics of Spain, and the Master in Comics at the University of Granada. But, if we want to know where the comic-book studies are going to, we need to know their past: works, authors, studies, past, origins... and Andalusia has an important part of this, ans it’s necessary show why. Maybe we need a History of Andalusien Comics.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Dávila, Rafael. 2012. “Breve aproximación a La Historieta Andaluza”. Atrio. Revista De Historia Del Arte, no. 18 (March). Sevilla, España:95-105.


