The “Soledades” in the state of Milan under Spain and beyond


  • Fiorenzo Baini Estudioso con idoneidad a la enseñanza de Historia del Arte, Italia


Solitude (Loneliness), Milan, Gravedona, Saint Bernardin, Vismara, Antignati, Casorate


In the XVII century even in the State of Milan started the devotion to the Virgin of the Loneliness (Soledad) by jesuit impulse but probably the first image in Milan was in the church of the Minimum Friars as says an engraving of 1680 dedicated to the Governor’s wife. Years after the Charles’ II doctor, who was born in Gravedona, village of the Lake of Como, gave to the church of the Soledad one sculpture of the same subject. The images of the Soledad were a lot, but a little have survived. One was discovered few years ago at Redaelli Institute in Milan but its origin was in an Jesuit palace but the most important, in spite of to be anonymous, is that of the chapel of the Purgatory’s souls in the Saint Bernardin’s Church in Milan. This chapel was place of devotion of the hispanic feeling Milanese Nobility not only under the “Austrias” but also until the Mary Therese’s kingdom. The devotion to the Soledad remained strong under the Habsburg of  Wien. This is demonstrated by a fine statue of the Soledad made in 1755 by Giuseppe Antignati, the best wooden sculptor in the State of Milan in XVIII century, in the church of Casorate, a village between Milan and Pavia.


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How to Cite

Baini, Fiorenzo. 2017. “The ‘Soledades’ in the State of Milan under Spain and Beyond”. Atrio. Revista De Historia Del Arte, no. 23 (March). Sevilla, España:52-59.


