Vostell and his Contemporary Reading of Ancient Tragedy. Reflections on the Work 7 contra Tebas (1992)





Wolf Vostell, Collage Composition, Theatrical Scenery, Mythological Interpretation, Roman Theater in Merida, Spain, Berlin Wall


This study provides an analysis of 7 contra Tebas (Seven Against Thebes), a 1992 work in which Wolf Vostell synthesizes three of the most significant aesthetic elements developed throughout his creative career: the importance of theatrical expression, the Berlin Wall as a sign of the human element, and the image of the fall embodied by the mythological figure of Icarus (despite the fact that Icarus is not featured in Aeschylus, as the text that inspired the artistic proposal). The piece was designed as a project for the Mérida Theatre Festival in parallel with the proposal for a contemporary art lighthouse in the Balearic Islands (both proposals failed). It is presented as a work of strong polysemy in a context that synthesises, to a large extent, the whole of Vostell’s work from its beginnings.


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How to Cite

García Manso, Angelica. 2020. “Vostell and His Contemporary Reading of Ancient Tragedy. Reflections on the Work 7 Contra Tebas (1992)”. Atrio. Revista De Historia Del Arte, no. 26 (December). Sevilla, España:248-64. https://doi.org/10.46661/atrio.4316.


