Art and Feminism in Public Space: From Perdurability to the Ephemeral. Examples of the 21st Century in Spain




current art, art and gender, urban art, performance art, posters, urbanism


This text touches on several examples of Spanish female artists of the 21st century. Public space throughout history, especially in contemporary history has been where their demands have taken place, allowing our society to progress towards democracy and freedom. It has been notably challenging for women to be able to take over this space. Nevertheless, and since the French Revolution, these women have been out on the streets claiming their social rights. They were not indifferent towards artistic manifestations and united to this fight through urban art, initiatives, urbanism, and posters. Nowadays, these initiatives have become collective due to the power of another public space platform, social media, allowing feminist art to empower the streets without any difficulties.


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Janés, Clara. Guardar la casa y cerrar la boca. Madrid: Siruela, 2015.

León, Fray Luis de. La Perfecta Casada. XV. 1584. Consultada el 24 de mayo de 2019.

Luque Rodrigo, Laura y Mantas Fernández, Rafael. “La mujer en el espacio pintado. De la Edad Moderna a la Contemporánea.” Asparkía, no. 21 (2009): 47-64.

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Noguera Fernández, Albert. “Los feminismos y la división espacio-género.” En VII Congreso virtual sobre Historia de Las Mujeres. Asociación de Amigos del Archivo Histórico Diocesano de Jaén, 623-42. Jaén: AHPJ, 2015.



How to Cite

Luque Rodrigo, Laura. 2022. “Art and Feminism in Public Space: From Perdurability to the Ephemeral. Examples of the 21st Century in Spain”. Atrio. Revista De Historia Del Arte, no. Monogr. 1 (June). Sevilla, España:55-65.


