Diverse Archive, Costa Rica. Part 1. Transgressive Art Expressions





art and diversity, diverse corporealities, counter-historic archive, feminism, diverse art


The process of creating a diverse archive that retrieves artistic expressions that have appeared in the country in recent years, entail political exercise. In a way, this works in the very same manner as the opening of a window that parallels to art history. It presents counter-historic as well as counter-hegemonic archives. This article is an excerpt from a chapter preview in which the ongoing research is titled El Arte en Tu Cuerpo, Tu Cuerpo en el Arte (Art in Your Body, Your Body in Art). The list is composed of more than thirty artists of transgressive and diverse expressions in which five on the list have been contacted. In addition, a summary of the first outreach will be covered in this article. Based on the question, what has been your relationship with art? The male and female artists present in this multicolor archive either their works or artistic expressions.


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How to Cite

Oliva Barboza, Patricia. 2022. “Diverse Archive, Costa Rica. Part 1. Transgressive Art Expressions”. Atrio. Revista De Historia Del Arte, no. Monogr. 1 (June). Sevilla, España:67-78. https://doi.org/10.46661/atrio.4481.


