Feminine Actions: Poetic and Political Analysis of the Female Representation in a Given Space





performance art, poetic, aesthetic, body, female, political


This investigation reflects on performance art done by artists like Pola Weiss, Rocío Boliver e Itziar Okariz, specifically interpreting artistic actions and productions in which artists transgress poetics and aesthetics through the textuality of the body. I make an analysis from an aesthetic and political perspective of the use of the female body, their poses, actions, and locations. The objective of this text is to illustrate the role of artistic expressions of women in current society and a possible interpretation that is drawn from their representations the suggests poetics. This is a union in the search of possible ethical, aesthetics, cultural, political and social representations that arise from the female body and mind, employing it in performance art, video art, video dance, and circulacionism.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Tovar, Sara Elena. 2022. “Feminine Actions: Poetic and Political Analysis of the Female Representation in a Given Space”. Atrio. Revista De Historia Del Arte, no. Monogr. 1 (June). Sevilla, España:103-13. https://doi.org/10.46661/atrio.4491.


