Figuring Absences: Poetics in Paintings in the Expanded Field




contemporary art, process, painting in the expanded field, monotype, absent, maternal


This article investigates the reminiscences of an absent mother as the genesis of poetics in visual arts. Its purpose is to analyze the approaches that are used in the process of figuring out the absent mother figure in poetic research during the completion of a master’s in Visual Arts from Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, UFSM (Federal University of Santa Maria, FUSM). The methods employed in this research include digital and analogical techniques such as a monotype associated with handmade paper. From an autoethnographic approach, I use as a research technique a visual diary to subsidize the development of figurative projects. The descriptive process which establishes the symbolism of an absent mother figure allows the understanding of the origins of the works, and the procedures that root from personal experiences of the missing mother figure.


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How to Cite

Agostini, Stéfani Trindade, and Altamir Moreira. 2022. “Figuring Absences: Poetics in Paintings in the Expanded Field”. Atrio. Revista De Historia Del Arte, no. Monogr. 1 (June). Sevilla, España:128-41.


