Reflections on my creative process in the essay Chest Stone




creative process, conceptual photography, contemporary art, the female body, obsce-nity of female nudity, female body objectification


This paper Peito de Pedra* (Stone Chest), is a work in progress in which I propose a reflection on the female body, the sexist stigmas, and chauvinism that are imposed to it. From the Renaissance model with their classic and perfect body, the obscenity imposed to nudity restricted to spaces limited by the Judeo-Christian morality, the alienation of the senses the body produces and its objectification. The aesthetics of this paper are used to represent me and other women producing a conflict that arises from the contact between performance, image and poetry, based on my personal conflicts making possible the existence of my own territory. The images are self-portraits, and portraits of women produced in long exposure; reflections in fragments of mirror sculptures found in museums and streets of various countries; landscapes and objects found in nature; and copyrighted poetry.


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How to Cite

De La Cruz, Mari Gemma. 2022. “Reflections on My Creative Process in the Essay Chest Stone”. Atrio. Revista De Historia Del Arte, no. Monogr. 1 (June). Sevilla, España:168-81.


