Landscape and Video Art in the Anthropocene Era: The Ecologist Landscape




Landscape, Art, Video Art, Ecologism, Contemporary, Anthropocene


Since the sixties, the Landscape has experienced a resurgence in the arts. However, it continues to be represented and interpreted mainly through pictorial codes inherited from the modern landscape tradition. Our analysis of the contemporary art scene, with a focus on video art proposals, reveals the emergence of a new landscape that adapts to formal and conceptual codes as a reflection of contemporary society. Examples include the moving image, audiovisual language or a feeling of immersion, as well as society’s concerns. This study addresses the practices that combine video art and landscape, focusing on those that feature what we have named “ecological” landscapes.


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Fuentes bibliográficas

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Fuentes periodísticas

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Fuentes videográficas

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How to Cite

Sanz Martín, Cristina. 2020. “Landscape and Video Art in the Anthropocene Era: The Ecologist Landscape”. Atrio. Revista De Historia Del Arte, no. 26 (December). Sevilla, España:292-317.


