The Nostalgic Evocation of Baroque and Rococo in Genre Painting of the Second Half of 19th century: The Case of Aragonese Artists in Paris




Genre Painting, Paris, 19th Century, Aragonese Painters, Musketeer Paintings, Pompadour Scenes


Creators engaged in genre painting during the second half of the nineteenth century frequently drew inspiration from the pictorial schools of the past. This phenomenon gained special strength in Paris, where the masters of official painting recovered tendencies typical of Flemish, Dutch, and French painting of the 17th century and of the Rococo school of the 18th century, echoed in the work of Spanish painters living in the French capital. Throughout this article, we analyse the recovery of this art from past centuries in the production of various Aragonese artists living in Paris, whose trajectories have not yet been sufficiently investigated. To do this, we present several unpublished works of art made during his Parisian stages, which are perfectly inserted in this historicist taste of imitation of the painting of the past.


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Author Biography

Guillermo Juberías Gracia, Universidad de Zaragoza, España

Graduated with Honours in History of Art (National Award for the best Graduate in Art History), with a Master’s degree in Advanced Studies in History of Art and a Master's degree in Secondary Education and Baccalaureate Teacher Training. He is currently working as a research fellow in the Department of History of Art of Universidad de Zaragoza preparing his Ph.D. thesis on Spanish genre painting in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He has carried out research stays at institutions such as the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Madrid, Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Université de Bordeaux-Montaigne and Université de Toulouse-Jean Jaurès. Also, he is now full member of the research team Observatorio Aragonés de Arte en la Esfera Pública, subsidized by the government of Aragón. He is the author of books and several articles and he has participated in numerous national and international conferences.


Fuentes documentales

Archivo del Museo Nacional del Prado (AMNP). Madrid. Fondos: Libros de copistas.

Archivo de la Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza (ADPZ). Zaragoza. Fondos: Sección Fomento.

Archivo Histórico de la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (AHBFBA-UCM). Madrid. Fondos: Libros de Matrícula y Certificaciones, ejercicios de entrada, actas de exámenes, expedientes de alumnos y matrículas.

Archivo del Getty Research Center (GRC). Los Ángeles. Fondos: Goupil Stock Books.

Fuentes bibliográficas

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How to Cite

Juberías Gracia, Guillermo. 2021. “The Nostalgic Evocation of Baroque and Rococo in Genre Painting of the Second Half of 19th Century: The Case of Aragonese Artists in Paris”. Atrio. Revista De Historia Del Arte, no. 27 (December). Sevilla, España:180-203.


