Situationism and its Influence on Contemporary Urban Artistic Manifestations: Poetic and Aesthetic Drifts on the Streets and On-line




Urban Art, Graffiti, Situationism, Drift, Third Landscape, Virtual Space


The graffiti and urban art scenes, despite differing in many of their fundamental principles, share a decisive influence in their way of understanding and dialoguing with the urban space: Situationism. The prevalence of action over matter, their activism and critical approach to the dominant trends in urbanism, the way of manipulating mass media and, particularly, the practice of the urban drifts make the situationist activists a referent for those intervening the streets.

Despite this, the current hegemony of digital media, the quantitative and mainstream superiority of contemporary muralism and the temptation of settling into the artistic establishment are shaking the foundations of urban art. Has this movement become a victim of its own success or are there still many drifts to explore?


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Author Biography

Sandra Gracia Melero, Conservadora-restauradora e historiadora del arte, Zaragoza, España

Graduated in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage from the Escuela Superior de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales de Aragón (ESCYRA), in Huesca, with an Erasmus stay in Viterbo. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in History of Art and a Master’s degree in Advanced Studies in History of Art from Universidad de Zaragoza. She did an internshipat the Instituto Aragonés de Arte y Cultura Contemporáneos Pablo Serrano (IAACC) in Zaragoza and an Erasmus + research stay in Rome. She is member of the group Arte Urbano y Público of the GE-IIC since 2017, publishing articles and participating in conferences. She obtained a Cultural Management grant at Instituto Cervantes in Madrid in 2019. She is an independent curator-art restorer, also working with institutions and private companies, Highlighting her collaborative work in Gonzalo Borondo’s mural Lore Beltza in Vitoria-Gasteiz and her participation in ARTYCO S.L. Restoration of Muelle’s graffiti conserved in the Escuela Superior de Diseño de La Rioja (ESDIR) in ARTYCO S.L., Logroño. 


Fuentes bibliográficas

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How to Cite

Gracia Melero, Sandra. 2021. “Situationism and Its Influence on Contemporary Urban Artistic Manifestations: Poetic and Aesthetic Drifts on the Streets and On-Line”. Atrio. Revista De Historia Del Arte, no. Monogr. 2 (December). Sevilla, España:20-44.


