New Data Surrounding Architect and Sculptor Luis Ortiz de Vargas and his Works in Ecija and Cordoba




Luis Ortiz de Vargas, Altarpieces, Architect, Sculptor, Écija, Seville


In this article, we share unreleased information about Luis Ortíz de Vargas from the records of Écija, which helps us ascertain his birth date as well as his beginnings in the former Kingdom of Seville. In the town of Écija, he worked under the patronage of the judge Cristóbal Gómez, who acted as his main payer and guarantor of his house. Promptly, the patron assigned him the first renovation works of his chapel. In addition, the sculptor undertook other works for convents and churches, from which some works, that were thought to be lost, are extant. Besides, we assume that the figure of Saint Crispin from the main altarpiece of the Santa Cruz Parish Church (Écija) belongs to him. In the Church of the Discalced Carmelites from the same town, the artist worked on the realisation of the main altarpiece from which the structure of the four giant classical columns with garlands have survived. During his first stage in Seville, the sculptor also worked for the towns of Carmona and Córdoba. From the latter, the altarpiece of the cathedral has been identified; work that was mentioned in a bond indenture for the realisation of a mahogany table for Francisco de Herrera the Elder.


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Author Biography

Rafael Gallardo Montesinos, Universidad de Sevilla, España

Rafael Gallardo Montesinos graduated in Art History from the University of Seville in 2017, and a Master’s in Andalusian Artistic Heritage and its Ibero-American Projection at the same university in 2020. He is currently carrying out his doctoral studies in History. His final project, published in idUS, was entitled “The Sculptural Circle of Montañés in the Viceroyalty of Peru”. His final Master’s project continued on the topic, entitled “The Sculptor and Architect of Altarpieces Luis Ortiz de Vargas (h. 1588/1590- 1649)”. He has also published in the Research Despotic at the University of Seville. In his doctoral thesis, he examines another century, focusing on the sculpture of the eighteenth century and the work of Cristóbal Ramos. He combines his doctoral studies with the compilation of Movable Property inventories as part of Andalusia’s religious historical heritage.


Fuentes documentales

Archivo de Protocolos Notariales de Écija (APNE). Écija. Fondos: Notariales.

Fuentes bibliográficas

Bago y Quintanilla, Miguel. Documentos para la Historia del Arte en Andalucía. Vol. II. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, 1928.

Bernales Ballesteros, Jorge. “Noticias sobre el escultor y arquitecto Luis Ortiz de Vargas.” En Actas de las III Jornadas de Andalucía y América (La Rábida, octubre de 1985), coordinado por Bibiano Torres Ramírez, y José Hernández Palomo, 97-140. La Rábida: Universidad de Santa María de la Rábida, 1985.

De la Villa Nogales, Fernando, y Esteban Mira Caballos. Documentos inéditos para la historia del arte en la provincia de Sevilla. Siglos XVI al XVIII. Sevilla: Artes Gráficas GANDOLFO, 1993.

De la Villa Nogales, Fernando, y Esteban Mira Caballos. “En torno al escultor Luis Ortiz de Vargas: Nuevos aportes documentales.” Laboratorio de Arte, no. 11 (1998): 501-510.

Dobado Fernández, Juan. “La Orden Carmelitana y el programa iconográfico del templo.” En Los Descalzos de Écija. Un edificio recuperado. Patrimonio histórico y restauración de la Iglesia de los Carmelitas Descalzos, 123-158. Sevilla: Consejería de Cultura, 2012.

Gallardo Montesinos, Rafael. “El escultor y arquitecto de retablos Luis Ortiz de Vargas (h. 1588/1590-1649).” Trabajo Fin de Máster, Universidad de Sevilla, 2020.

García León, Gerardo, y Marina Martín Ojeda. Écija artística. Colección documental, siglo XVI y XVII. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla/ Consejería de Cultura, 2018.

Hinojosa Torralbo, Juan José. “El patrimonio artístico de un bien de interés cultural.” En Los Descalzos de Écija. Un edificio recuperado. Patrimonio histórico y restauración de la Iglesia de los Carmelitas Descalzos, 191-215. Sevilla: Consejería de Cultura, 2012.

López Martínez, Celestino. Retablos y esculturas de traza sevillana. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, 1928.

López Martínez, Celestino. Desde Martínez Montañés hasta Pedro Roldán. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla. 1932.

Martín Macias, Antonio. Francisco de Ocampo, maestro escultor (1579-1639). Sevilla: Gráficas del Sur, 1983.

Martín Ojeda, Marina. Los nombres de las calles de Écija. Écija: Ayuntamiento de Écija, 2007.

Nieto Cumplido, Manuel. La catedral de Córdoba. Córdoba: Monte de Piedad y Caja de Ahorros, 2007.

Raya Raya, María de los Ángeles. “El retablo del siglo XVII en Córdoba,” Imafronte, no. 5 (1989): 207-224.



How to Cite

Gallardo Montesinos, Rafael. 2022. “New Data Surrounding Architect and Sculptor Luis Ortiz De Vargas and His Works in Ecija and Cordoba”. Atrio. Revista De Historia Del Arte, no. 28 (December). Sevilla, España:78-96.


