Sculptors and Altarpiece Makers in the Jaén Cathedral in the Eighteenth Century.




Jaén Cathedral, Baroque, Sculpture, Altarpiece, José de Medina, Francisco Calvo


With the culmination of the building of Jaén Cathedral, a range of liturgical furnishing projects were undertaken, attracting a large number of sculptors and altarpiece makers. Between them, they turned the church into a significant and influential workshop in the context of the Andalusian Baroque. Masters such as José Gallego, Francisco Calvo, José de Medina and Blas Moreno came together in Jaén on a rather permanent basis. They were joined by others with more isolated contributions, such as Miguel Arias, Antonio Primo, and Diego Briones, and those who sent designs for their altarpieces, as in the case of Pedro Duque Cornejo. This study examines their work in the service of Jaén Cathedral in depth, updating authorship and attributions, while analysing the relationships they established with each other.


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Author Biographies

Felipe Serrano Estrella, Universidad de Jaén, España

He holds a doctorate in History of Art from the University of Granada and is senior lecturer in History of Art at the University of Jaén. His main line of research focuses on the art patronage exercised by the clergy during the Early Modern era and he has spent several periods as a visiting researcher in Rome (at Roma Tre, Sapienza and the Centro di Studi sulla Cultura e l’Immagine). The results have been published in journals such as Sculpture Journal, Goya and Libros de la Corte and in books published by De Luca, Síntesis and Comares and the Universities of Granada and Jaén. Since 2009 he has been keeper of movable property at Jaén Cathedral, where he has curated several exhibitions, coordinated the compilation of its inventory and studied in depth the movable property it holds. In the field of academic management he has been Vice-Rector of Culture at the University of Jaén.

Néstor Prieto Jiménez, Catedral de la Asunción, Jaén, España

He holds degrees in History of Art and in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property from the University of Granada and a master’s degree in Cultural Heritage of the Church from the Granada Faculty of Theology. In recent years he has been working as a restorer attached to Jaén Cathedral, where he has participated in compiling an inventory of movable property and in the preventive conservation plan. The many works he has handled notably include some of the most outstanding paintings of Sebastián Martínez Domedel (c.1615–1667), such as his Evangelists, Martyrdom of St Sebastian and Annunciation. In the field of sculpture, mention should be made of his work on the carvings of St Augustine and St Ambrose by José de Medina y Anaya (1709–1783) in the Chapel of St Michael and the Our Lady of Sorrows of José de Mora (1642–1724).


Fuentes documentales:

Archivo Histórico Diocesano de Jaén (AHDJ). Jaén. Fondos y colecciones: Capitular

Fuentes bibliográficas:

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How to Cite

Serrano Estrella, Felipe, and Néstor Prieto Jiménez. 2023. “Sculptors and Altarpiece Makers in the Jaén Cathedral in the Eighteenth Century”. Atrio. Revista De Historia Del Arte, no. 29 (December). Sevilla, España:96-120.


